Monday 28 September 2015

Textual analysis of she doesnt mind

I will be analysing She doesn't mind by Sean Paul.
this music video shows men using women for personal gain and not giving anything in return.

One theory that can be applied to this music video is Hodge and Kress's theory which says genres control the behaviours of producers of such texts and the expectations of potential consumers.
This music video contains lots of good looking women to try and attract attention for, this can be linked with the male gaze theory as men would be more likely to watch this music video as there are attractive women for them too look at, the director may have done this to create an entertaining music video while also gaining more viewers for the video.

There is a use of bright colours which is what can be expected of a pop music video as a wide range of people watch these music videos so they have to be appealing to all people that watch them, the bright colours are for the younger generations and the story line for the music video is for the older generations that watch them.